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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Increasing focus on the obesity epidemic

Observation:  A story from Marketing Daily this week explains how the Disney companies plan to limit junk food marketing in media assets that serve youth audiences; the announcement was made in Washington with First Lady Michelle Obama on hand (click here to see that story).  And last week, a firestorm debate started with New York City’s mayor Michael Bloomberg suggested restricting the sale of super-sized softdrinks (click here to see one of the stories published by the New York Times on that issue).

Implications:  There seems to be growing momentum behind the idea of healthy living.  Does your company offer a product or service that fits into this strengthening trend?  Should you consider adding one, or altering your current menu in a way that the consumers you serve are given more healthful options?

Mike Anderson, for the Elm Street Economics consumer trends blog. A service of The Center for Sales Strategy, Inc.

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