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Thursday, March 15, 2012

The dumb bell economy hits the food aisle

Observation:   This morning’s newsletter from Phil Lempert explains that food retailers have their own version of the “haves” and “have-nots” landscape.  He divides consumer sentiment into the two groups of pessimistic and optimistic.  The latter group is feeling better about the economy, more likely to try new products and experiences, and indulge a little more freely.  Pessimists might be more likely to change retail channels frequently (going from grocery stores to club, discount and dollar stores), clipping coupons more religiously, and taking extreme measures to maintain a frugal lifestyle.  Click here to see the story.

Implications:   I’ve written pretty extensively about the Dumb Bell Economy, and you can review those past stories by clicking here.  This Phil Lempert piece does a good job of reminding us that—just as was the case with the recession—the economic recovery is a very personal thing, and might look drastically different from one household to the next.

Mike Anderson, for the Elm Street Economics consumer trends blog. A service of The Center for Sales Strategy, Inc.

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