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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Contrary to history and logic, major crime fell during recession

Traditionally, when the economy falls, crime goes up.  But that has not been the case in recent years—at least with violent crimes—as the U.S. crime rate for things like murder and assault have actually fallen.  That’s according to this recent story from the New York Times (click to link).

Implications:  Note that this story does not dive too far into things like theft or burglary… crimes that might be reasoned as a reaction to economic difficulty.  I’ll make it my assignment to look into those rates for the recession period, which I estimate to be late 2007 through early 2010… when those figures are available.

I wish there was a survey—absent the crime rate—which investigated the degree to which people felt secure during the recession.  (Editor’s note:  Our former home was the target of a break-in in early 2009.)

Mike Anderson, for the Elm Street Economics consumer trends blog. A service of The Center for Sales Strategy, Inc.

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