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Friday, September 3, 2010

Cleaning some story ideas off my desk...

Here are some stories I haven’t had the chance to write about yet… but didn’t want to discard until I shared them with you.

This is a story from Marketing Daily (click for link) on the topic of call center quality. Lots of companies are shipping their customer service capacity overseas, at least with regard to telephone interaction. But use any out-sourced customer service entity with caution… lest you ship your customers to a competitor that’s easier to communicate with.

Mom, Dad: It’s time for you to go. A recent story from the NY Times (click for link) discussed the separation anxiety some parents have when dropping their kids off for school… at college. What kinds of products or services do you sell that could help parents stay in touch with their kids (in a thoughtful way), or celebrate homecoming on weekends or holidays?

Speaking of call centers, Target indicates that it is expanding tech support services for electronics. The article was in Marketing Daily last week (click for link). Granted, the big-box discounter might not sell goods as “complex” as large computer- or electronics-specialty stores, but this moves help keep people from feeling “stranded” after a tech purchase. And perhaps it hints that Target will be selling more sophisticated electronics sometime soon.

If you’re eating it, wouldn’t you like to know where it came from? Last week’s Springwise newsletter offered a story about Lay’s potato chips. The package now features a code to help you learn where the potatoes were grown, produced and packaged. Snack foods for loca-vores! (Click here to see the story.)

Here’s another Marketing Daily story (click for link) about relationship marketing and the role it plays in helping banks develop “fee tolerance” among its customers. Based on research from Mintel, the article suggests that customers see honesty and transparency as important in their banking relationship. (Early dialogue might make the consumer less likely to see a fee increase as a knee-jerk price hike. - MA)

Mike Anderson

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