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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Small business sentiment seems to be getting stronger

Observation:  A recent story in USA Today suggests that small business owners and operators are feeling a bit more confident.  The article was written based on a study from the National Federation of Independent Business; click here to read the USA Today story, or to access the full report, click here.

Implications:   Clearly, small business confidence rises or falls in response to the confidence of consumers.  While the degree of optimism could still be labeled as “cautious,” it is worth noting that the “Great Recession” lasted for 19 months (December 2007 to June 2009).  While it began in July 2009, nobody refers to the subsequent growth pattern as the “Great Recovery,” because it has not been as fast or robust as recoveries in past recessions. 

That having been said, the recovery has been underway for a full 34 months… which is why we refer to this period as a time of “Reconciliation,” as families continue to manage their household differently, financially, that they might have in the period leading-up to the meltdown.

Mike Anderson, for the Elm Street Economics consumer trends blog. A service of The Center for Sales Strategy, Inc.

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