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Monday, December 12, 2011

Supermarket trends 6 – 10 from Phil Lempert

Observation:  To follow-up on my previous posting (see immediately below), here is the second set of trends about the packaged goods and grocery store industry from Phil Lempert, the Supermarket Guru.

Again, click on any headline to get the long form of his forecast or trend observation:

Trend #6:  Ethnic flavors grow in popularity (Consumers are enticed by new forms of product trial and experiences.)

Trend #7:  Men’s role in the family continues to expand (It’s not just about being a breadwinner anymore.)

Trend #8:  Extreme cooking to save cash (Preparing lots of food for little money, and saving even more with a “leftovers” strategy.)

Trend #9:  How sweet it isn’t (With more attention given to the harm of processed foods and added sugars, more consumers will push back to the basics of food.)

Trend #10:  Sensory considerations—beyond taste—of food (One example is how a chip company abandoned their new bio-degradable bag because it was too noisy!)

Implications:   It’s fun to hear insights from a grocery industry insider… and to wonder how similar changes in consumer behavior might affect industries well beyond the supermarket.

I’ll repeat the question:  “In your business… what’s next?”  Chances are, the best answers will come from the consumers you serve.

Mike Anderson, for the Elm Street Economics consumer trends blog. A service of The Center for Sales Strategy, Inc.

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