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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Teens practice and appreciate good digital citizenship

Observation:  Absent dramatic regulation or oversight, teens still report a self-disciplined use of the web—and good manners, in general—among users of the Internet, mobile devices and social sites.  That’s according to this recent Research Brief (click to link).

Implications:   I wish that kind of discipline could be seen among grown-ups on the highways at drive time!

Young consumers are never really known a world where there wasn’t an Internet.  They’ve grown up with it… and expect people who use it to do so responsibly.  Does your company website violate any common-sense “good manners?”  If it does, these young folks (and almost any consumer) are likely to call you out on it… or worse yet, just go away.

Mike Anderson, for the Elm Street Economics consumer trends blog. A service of The Center for Sales Strategy, Inc.

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